The Ghost Girl Diaries

These are the diaries and journals of my experiences as a paranormal investigator. I won't be jumping right in with my name and address, as there are a lot of freakshows on the Web, and I don't want one of them showing up on my doorstep asking to see my ectoplasm, if you know what I mean.


Typical Grad Night

Ok, so we got truly messed up last night. It was a Sunday night, none of us had a regular job in the morning we had to go to, and we don't have to seriously study for a while. So the Team (minus the Professor) and Raj's girlfriend (she wants us to call her "Starfire," I shit you not) and a friend of Doug's came over to watch a movie, play the Wii, and get high.

Doug's friend, who I pegged for gay early on, looked like a buff Harry Potter. He was undergrad, so I guess that's in or something, at least among the geek chic. His name was Pete, or Peter, or something like that.

The funniest thing was well past the wine phase of the evening and solidly into the joint phase. We were passing around something like the second (or eighth) joint, and Starfie was laughing at something. I still have no idea what it was, and she couldn't seem to get the idea across to anyone. But she was laughing pretty robustly. Starfire, being a "dancer" with the best "augmentation" you could buy with a pile of ones, was dressed pretty slutty. Don't get me wrong, I've been known to dress pretty whorish if the mood hits me, but I at least like to make sure everything is structurally sound. Starfire wasn't so careful.

Have you seen that movie, the 40 year old virgin? It has a scene it it where the main character is doing speed dating, and this bubbly woman with big boobs kept bouncing out of her top without noticing. Starfire kept doing that all night. Which made me and Mia giggle, which made her laugh even more. I swear it was like watching two puppies fighting over a biscuit.

Raj and Doug were enjoying the hell out of the show as well. Both of them had turned from setters to pointers. Raj, always one to show off, just sat back without a care in the world, as if he were smuggling a nightstick out in his jeans. Doug was embarassed and kept trying to hide it, which would start us all giggling again. Harry Potter didn't seem to know what was going on. But he was pretty wasted. He thought every sound that came out of Mia's mouth was comedy gold. When she started hiccuping I thought he would wet his pants.

Anyway, around two in the morning we all started dropping. Raj and Starfire vanished into a bathroom, and God only knows what they were doing (although I have a pretty good idea), but an hour later they were both snoring. I peeked under the door and saw either a boob or an ass cheek squished against tile. Luckily we have two bathrooms, so we let them sleep it off until morning when they stumbled out wearing each other's clothes.

Doug fell asleep on the sofa, a Wii controller somehow in his pants.

Mia passed out on the floor next to the sofa, but just for laughs Harry Potter and I arranged her with her face in Doug's lap. Seemed hilarious at the time.

Harry Potter, it turns out, wasn't gay. And that's all I'll say about that.

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